Search results
Create the page "Eng:abessive case" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- === {{ lang:eng }} === * [[eng:abessive|abessive]] ({{smsxml:POS_N}})2 KB (273 words) - 16:39, 6 January 2019
- === {{ lang:eng }} === ...{linguistics}abessive case, abessive, caritive case, caritive , privative case, privative]] ({{smsxml:POS_N}})8 KB (559 words) - 23:59, 6 January 2019
- === {{ lang:eng }} === ...ase, privative|abessive case, abessive, caritive case, caritive, privative case, privative]] ({{smsxml:POS_N}})2 KB (303 words) - 23:59, 6 January 2019